
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. - Sigma Chapter (Sigma Chapter) was chartered on the campus of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan on February 22, 1922. Its chartering members were Brothers Joseph Hurlong Scott (Epsilon Chapter), Rudolph Thaddeus Ash (Alpha Chapter), and George Ray Dorsey (Zeta Chapter). Sigma Chapter has initiated 464 members who live by the motto of Achievement in Every Field of Human Endeavor.

The Sigma Chapter Foundation was created April 28, 2017. Its objectives are:

  1. Maximize the available merit and need-based scholarships for minority students at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor.
  2. Ensure that current undergraduate Brothers of Sigma Chapter are networking with Kappa Alpha Psi Brothers and utilizing other resources to be high achievers.
  3. Support and recognize Sigma Chapter Brothers in time of need and upon transition to Chapter Invisible.
  4. Ensure that the efforts and achievements of the Sigma Chapter are digitized and preserved within the Bentley Historical Library at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor.
  5. Serve as a platform for reclaiming Sigma Chapter Brothers, reigniting their Kappa Spirit, and ensuring a strong and everlasting fraternal bond.


The Historical Archival and Reclamation Committee of the Sigma Chapter Foundation is chaired by Brother Alan Scott White, Sigma 1985. Its objectives are as follows:

  1. to account for the location of and contact information for every Sigma Chapter initiate on the Scroll
  2. to collect and archive pertinent historical information regarding Sigma Chapter and its initiates within the fraternity, campus and community at-large
  3. to physically memorialize the Sigma Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. in perpetuity on the campus of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan
  4. This committee is working closely with the University of Michigan's Bentley Historical Library to investigate the role that the Sigma Chapter initiates have played on the campus since its charter. Toward this objective we have formally established the "Kappa Alpha Psi-Sigma Chapter Centennial" within the Bentley which will permanently place Sigma Chapter in the annals of the University and allow the public to view our history and achievements.

    The committee is also working with the University's Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life toward the objective of placing a memorial on the campus to commemorate the centennial of the Sigma Chapter's charter.

    We are requesting that every Brother assist the Historical Archival and Reclamation Committee by contributing photographs, articles, artifacts (photos only of scrolls, t-shirts, other paraphernalia) and video to the Sigma Chapter's archives. To do so please click either of the icons below. Please be mindful that all items submitted are intended for public viewing. So that all submitted items have more relevance for future generations, please caption all submissions like the examples on this page to the extent possible.

    Photo Example:

    SIGMA CHAPTER FRATERNITY MEETING (circa 1989) Back Row: Gerome Pinkins (’85), Stanley Clark (’87), David Campbell (’85), Charles Heckstall (’85), Maurice Morton (’88), Anthony Haralson (’88), Courtney Hollowell (’88), Philip Calhoun (’88), Alan Scott White (’85), Rodney Johnson (’88). Center: Hollis Jordan (Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Alumni). Front Row: Russell Baker (’88), Timothy Dismond (’87), Vernon Williams (’86), Darryl Simmons (’87), Kevin Hood (’87).


    Recovery Initiative:

    Collecting and preserving our Faternity's history is vital and cannot be accomplished without your valued assistance. Please visit the Kappa Archive Recovery Initiative to donate artifacts and memorabilia.

    50 Years of Service:


As we embark on the next 100 years of Achievement, we have built on our legacy of service by establishing a Scholarship Committee, chaired by Brother Reginald Hammond, Sigma 2012 to financially support the education of exemplary students. After polling the Brothers at large, we have proposed the following merit-based scholarship endowments:

1. Harold J. Hood:

“The Honorable Harold J. Hood Leadership & Service Scholarship” fund is designed to increase the recruitment and retention of Black men at the University of Michigan, who are among the lowest group attending and graduating from the university when compared by race and gender. Through this fund, high achieving high school students are eligible to receive a minimum annual award of $5,000 per year to support them during their four years at the University of Michigan. To be considered, admitted students must:

  1. Be an African American male
  2. Be an incoming first-year student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  3. Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  4. Have undergraduate status
  5. Earn a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher
  6. Have an SAT score (R&W + M) of 1220 or higher or an ACT score of 27 or higher. Students will be considered regardless of their ability to test or provide test scores.

Please donate generously using the form below:


To learn more about Judge Harold Hood, please use the button below:



2. Brother of the Year:

“The Brother of the Year Award” fund is designed to award a Sigma Chapter Brother each year an award to aid in the funding of his undergraduate education. Through this fund, this deserving Brother is eligible to receive up to $2,500 to support them at the University of Michigan. This award is based on the following criteria:

  1. 3.0 Minimum GPA
  2. Demonstrated leadership (through work, extracurricular activities, etc.)
  3. Strong involvement in community service (through activities, volunteerism)
  4. Description of career goals

Please donate generously using the button below:


In Memoriam

To properly honor and support the families of our fellow Sigma Chapter brothers during bereavement and times of illness, a Sick & Chapter Invisible Committee has been created, chaired by Brother Emanuel Dukes, Sigma 1987.

Chapter Invisible:

Dedicated to members of the Sigma Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. who have passed away, the following members have transitioned into what we affectionately call, Chapter Invisible:


IHQ Registry:

Please visit the IHQ Chapter Invisible Registry to notify Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. of a deceased member. IHQ updates the member’s record accordingly.

Recovery Initiative:

Collecting and preserving our Faternity's history is vital and cannot be accomplished without your valued assistance. Please visit the Kappa Archive Recovery Initiative to donate artifacts and memorabilia of our deceased brothers.


The support that we plan on providing would not be possible without the raising of funds. For brothers that have fallen ill, flowers and a get-well-soon card will be purchased. For brothers that have transitioned to Chapter Invisible, a funeral wreath, a placard and a chapter resolution will be purchased and presented to their families.

Please donate generously using the button below:



This fundraising campaign will be ongoing in the event of a brother's illness or passing. We thank the brothers that have donated in the past and we look forward to your future support when the time comes.

Y.I.T.B., The Sick & Chapter Invisible Committee


Official Scroll:

To date, there have been 90 lines of 477 men that have been proudly initiated into the Sigma Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Below is a list of each brother:

If there are any errors in the scroll, please let us know via email.

Social Media:

In addition to this site, you can keep abreast of the latest developments surrounding the Sigma Chapter Foundation and it's members via LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram by clicking any of the following icons:


Q & A:

Q: Has the team acquired the list of every Sigma Chapter Brother for the last, let’s say, 40-50 years?

A: We have a roster dating back to 1922. We are using it for reclamation and other program activities.

Q: I know the financial donating levels exist for the website but the dollar commitment might be useful in the messaging.

A: Thank you for your feedback. We took a similar approach in estimating the spread of required donations assuming that a certain percentage of brothers would donate. We excluded any possible donations from fundraisers, alumni chapters, non-brothers and corporations.

Q: Will the committee submit applications to the National Kappa Foundation in support of scholarship subsidy?

A: We currently have no plans to apply for contributions from the National Kappa Foundation. We consider that an option for an IHQ recognized group such as Sigma Chapter or an alumni group. As we approach 2022, we will continue to evaluate options and partner with the chapter on the best way to raise money for the scholarship fund.

Q: Who is the committee targeting for key sponsorship?

A: We have not finalized the initial list of sponsors. This is a 2018 goal.

Q: Who do I talk to about about serving on a committee?

A: Thanks Nupe! We welcome the support. We currently have the following committees: Reclamation/Archives (Al White), Fundraising (Maurice Morton), Sick/Chapter Invisible (Omari Bayi [interim]), Technology/Social Media (Omari Bayi) and Finance (Robynne Henry). Roy Rogers is also leading a subset of brothers in raising funds by decade or era. Feel free to reach out to one of them or request additional information via the Google Form below.

Q: Is there an overall project plan for centennial program and a glide path to get to the $100k?

A: We have a preliminary budget and anticipated donations. We are currently detailing the plan in terms of key activities and events for 2018 and an initial list of programs and commitments for 2019 and beyond.

Q: Given the landscape, can the current NOTY attend activities for free?

A: While we expect every brother to donate, we recognize that some brothers may not be in a position to contribute. We are exploring options to ensure that undergraduates and brothers on hardship are not excluded.

Q: Do we have 501(c)(3) designation for matching gifts from corporations?

A: Sigma Chapter Foundation is officially recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) organization. We are developing communications to assist brothers in properly presenting the Sigma Chapter Foundation to corporations for matching donations.


Would you like to submit questions, comments, concerns and/or constructive criticism FTGOK? Please do so by filling out the following Google Form: